Geographically, The Laiwangi Wanggameti National Park consists of stretch of hilly, valleys, and undulating (wavy); known that there is a group of forest Laiwangi Wanggameti (RTK 50). Age of the Netherlands Indies Government through Decree of the Autonomous ZB ZB BSL BSL 6-1-1932 6-1-1930 No.3 and No.5 and No.9 20-7-1930 ZB BSL, the forest is protected.
Then set the status of this forest as a function of forest cover based on the Decree Hydrologisch Reserve Regent Regional TK II East Sumba Number 9/Pemb.1/3 dated January 30, 1965.
In 1983 based on TGHK through Ministry of Forestry Decree number 89/Kpts-II/1983 date December 2, 1983 has been assigned 1,667,962 ha of forests as forests remain in the province of NTT. In Fiscal Year 1984/1985 held Inauguration activities Laiwangi Wanggameti Forest Group (RTK 50) by Sub Central Forest Inventory and Mapping Kupang in collaboration with the Forest Inventory and Mapping Center of Area VIII Denpasar with the outer limit of 125.2 km long and wide definitive 42 567, 50 Ha. Ceremonial announcements for boundary system of Wanggameti Laiwangi forests group (RTK 50) both at the District, Province and Central, has been completed and approved by the Ministry of Forestry dated January 21, 1986.
Under Decree Menhutbun number 576/Kpts-II/1998, Menhutbun designate National Parks Laiwangi Wanggameti RTK 50 derived entirely from an area of 47,014 ha, but within the National Park Laiwangi Wanggameti decree makes no mention of the "enclave" that in fact there are two villages in the region namely Ramuk and Katikuai. Commencing in 2006/2007 Ramuk village has blossomed into 2 (two) village are the village Mahaniwa and Ramuk village, the village area of this enclave approximately 4447 ha. The village Ramuk and village Katikuai, both seen as pockets of the population. The subsequent need for clarification enclaves through the process of establishing Laiwangi Wanggameti definitive boundaries.
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