Top Up / Beli Apa Aja, Biaya Admin Kami Ganti

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Tanggal: 28 Des 2018 09.02
Subjek: Top Up / Beli Apa Aja, Biaya Admin Kami Ganti
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Nasabah Yth,

Perlu tambah nominal PLN Prepaid atau pulsa handphone Anda  atau beli Paket Data Internet di saat genting?   Manfaatkan  fitur  Pembelian yang ada di BNI Internet Banking.

Dan manfaatkan juga program Cashback Biaya Admin Transaksi BNI Internet Banking hingga Rp 72.000,- untuk 460 Pengguna yang melakukan transaksi berbiaya terbanyak per bulannya di BNI Internet Banking. klik

Dengan fitur pembelian tersebut, Anda bisa:
1. Melakukan Pembelian Token PLN Prepaid berikut fasilitas Manual Advice
2. Melakukan pembelian Paket Data Internet Telkomsel, XL atau Indosat Ooredoo
3. Melakukan Top-up/Isi pulsa handphone provider Telkomsel, Indosat Ooredoo, XL, TRI, Smartfren
4. Melakukan Top-up/isi credit Go-Pay untuk kebutuhan transportasi Anda
5. Melakukan Top-up/isi saldo UnikQu (aplikasi dapat di download di Playstore/AppStore) untuk kebutuhan bayar-bayar pembelian di merchant yang menerima metode Pay by QR
6. Melakukan Top-Up/isi saldo Tapcash (update saldo ke kartu dapat menggunakan aplikasi Tap Cash Go di PlayStore atau di ATM dan EDC BNI)
7. Melakukan pembelian voucher Orange TV

Temukan kelima fitur tersebut di menu Transaksi --> Pembelian/Pembayaran-->Pembelian. Pilih menu yang sesuai dan lakukan pembayaran , maka Token PLN/Pulsa HP/Credit Go-Pay/Credit Unikqu akan  langsung terisi.

Informasi lengkap, silakan akses atau klik
BNI Internet Banking, cara cerdas mengelola keuangan Anda.
Hormat Kami,
PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
Dear Customers,

Need to buy  PLN Prepaid  token or to top-up cell phone airtime or to Internet Data package at the crucial moment? Take advantage of the purchase  features in BNI Internet Banking.

Also take advantage of Cashback program  for  BNI Internet Banking  Admin Fees up to Rp .72.000,- for 460 Users who make the most  frequent transactions  with admin fees per month in BNI Internet Banking. Click

With this purchase feature, you can:
1. Buy PLN Prepaid Token together with Manual Advice facility
2. Buy Internet Data Package for Telkomsel, XL , or Indosat Ooredoo  
3. Top-up cell phone airtime for Telkomsel, Indosat, XL, TRI, or Smartfren service provider
4. Top-up Go-Pay credit for your transportation needs
5. Top-up UnikQu credit (applications can be downloaded at PlayStore) for the needs of purchases at merchants that accept Pay by QR method.
6. Top-up Tapcash (balance update to TapCash card may use TapCash Go application at PlayStore or ATM or BNI EDC).
7. Buy Orange TV voucher

Discover those five features on the Transactions menu  -> Purchase / Payment -> Purchase. Select the appropriate menu and make the payment, then the PLN Token/ Cell phone airtime / Go-Pay Credit / UnikQu Credit will be immediately added.

Please access for detailed information or click

BNI Internet Banking, the smart way to manage your finances.

PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
Copyright © 2018 PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, All rights reserved.
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